Forbidden Archeology and world connections

Makeup of Humans
We did not evolve up from matter; rather we have devolved or come down from pure consciousness. Human beings are not just combinations of the ordinary material elements. Instead we are a combination of matter, mind and consciousness.
By mind and consciousness, i do not mean temporary byproducts of bio-electrical activity in the brain, i mean real things, with their own independant existence.
There is scientific evidence for a subtle mind element, associated with the human organism, that can act in ways that we cannot explain by our current laws of physics. There is also a conscious self that can exist apart from the material body, apart from the mind.
Elongated skulls from around the world
Here are locations in the Americas where elongated skulls have been found to date.
Here are locations in Europe.
These are some elongated skulls from Paracas, Peru.

Headbinding or natural?
An example of how science and archeology wants all elongated skulls to be shown as not natural.
This has different spinal positioning to normal.
Skulls with an artists impression
The above skeleton would have died roughly between 10 and 12 years old, although her skeleton appears normal, her head is clearly huge and elongated. The shape of the pelvis indicated a female, and the skull is way out of range for cranial deformation.
This is a fetus 8-9 months of development. It is quite possible that the fetus was from the young girl, and that they both may likely have died during childbirth, or soon before. This is living proof that children were born with elongated skulls and had nothing to do with headbinding.
Pyramids on Earth and Solar system
Chichen Itza (Equinox effect).
This phoenomena of seeing two serpents appearing on the steps happens twice a year on the equinox’s first being March 21st and September 21st, this effect last on for a few minutes as the shadow is cast across the steps.
This is the Bosnian pyramid of the Sun (age unknown).
Giza pyramids
Many people are told that these are tombs when in actual fact no mummies have been found inside them, they are found in the valley of the kings not the pyramids.
On details of the use and origins of these pyramids checkout .
This one of around 100 pyramids in Xian province China.
Here is a photo from WW2 an aerial photo taken of Xian pyramids
Otherworldly pyramid
This is a pyramid on Mars located in the Cydonia region
Lost technology of the Ancient Megalithic Builders
At many ancient sites in places such as Egypt, Peru, Bolivia, Easter Island, Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey we see clear evidence that advanced machining technologies were employed at megalithic sites, in some cases more advanced than what we have in the 21st century. What this indicates is that the historical record we have been taught is woefully insufficient and that either very technologically advanced human societies or visitors from off planet created amazing megalithic stone works prior to the established historical civilization timelines. Though academia in general scoff at such ideas, the scientific evidence from independent researchers, geologists, engineers and others show that we are not the most sophisticated beings to have existed on this planet.