Step 2:
Have a direct, personal, spiritual relationship with Source. You are a spirit, a soul, having a human experience, rather than a human having a spiritual experience.
You do not have a soul, you are a soul.
Remain neutral in relationships with religiously-oriented people.
You may share your beliefs when appropriate, but do not argue with, or attempt to change anyone’s religious, social, political or personal beliefs. Respect all religions and positive religious beliefs and do not discount them.
Do not post, promote, nor dismiss any religious beliefs, nor engage in discussions about them in any social media. Do not discuss your interpretations of any religious texts, statements, or beliefs in any discussions.
If people inquire about your neutral stance, you may tell them you are engaged in a social experiment, and you may refer them to the website ( where they can learn more, but do not attempt to explain the details yourself. It’s best if they gather information from the source.
Engage in meditation or quiet reflection for at least 15-30 minutes each day. Listen to calming , meditative music for at least 15-30 minutes each day. It can be the same 15-30 minutes.
Remember prayer is a present state of appreciation and gratitude for what you already have, rather than asking for something you want. Remember that you don’t need to ask for help, you simply need to become more aware of the help you’re already being given.